BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//The Signature Gallery - ECPv6.2.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:The Signature Gallery X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for The Signature Gallery REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:UTC BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:UTC DTSTART:20180101T000000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20181006T183000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20181006T210000 DTSTAMP:20240419T045517 CREATED:20180910T221421Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180928T205315Z SUMMARY:Michael Pabst's October Show-Laguna Beach DESCRIPTION:Come join the Saturday night festivities in Laguna Beach and meet artist Michael Pabst.\nEnjoy the beauty of Laguna Beach in October\, without all the summer throngs. \nReception 6:30-9pm\nRefreshments will be served. \nBorn and raised in Arizona\, Michael spent much of his youth watching his father\, Charles H. Pabst\, as he painted. This sparked his natural artistic abilities and he began to paint at a very young age. Michael sold his first painting at the age of 15 and continued to paint through college as he studied Structural Engineering at the University of Arizona. Although he worked briefly in design and construction\, Michael has since returned to his true love of painting. \nMichael says\, “Studying structure and physics actually gave me a solid background for ‘building’ a painting\, especially design and perspective. I have always been creative and love to build and make things. I enjoyed designing and building homes\, but always continued painting. Painting brings all the things I love together.” URL: LOCATION:The Signature Gallery Laguna Beach\, 220 Forest Ave\, Laguna Beach\, CA\, 92651\, United States CATEGORIES:Laguna Beach END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR