Narrie Toole

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Listen Little Brother, Listen to my Song

by Narrie Toole

Size: 34x34
Medium: Oil on linen

"The title for "Listen little brother-Listen to my Song" came mid-way through the painting. Although I like to play with portrayal, I have a real affinity for animals and what it takes to survive. Sometimes it's not pretty. Ranching, I worked out in the cold and heat, wind and blizzards, through drought and plenty, caring for cattle and horses and as well, observing wild animals trying to make a go of things in the same conditions...wishing them well...all of us trying to make a living. Maybe giving me some extra insight...I have experience with my big Malamute dog...lots of wolf in his history. A past partner was half coyote. Smart, loyal,compassionate, independent, adaptive. By portraying this wolf as non-threatening, I hope to have people see his intelligence, admire his soul (something I believe strongly... and view him as another of us just trying to live a good, productive life but caught in a dilemma with humanity. I like the winter night scenes... that's where I often envision these things...maybe to bring more clarity like the sky and the hoar-frost on the winter hair. As with buffalo and others...ethereal.I feel more and more that there is a message." Narrie Toole