Jan Van Ek

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by Jan Van Ek

Size: 4ft. x 14in x 14in
Medium: Bronze
Edition Size: 7

"'Odyssey' is an epic journey of the plight of eight species of our oceans whales that are currently on the endangered list. They include: Beluga whales, Blue Whales, Resident Killer Whales, Fin Whales, Sperm Whales, California Grey Whales, Bowhead Whales and the majestic Humpback Whales.

Also included are the endangered Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Southern Sea Otter, Hammerhead Shark and Mediterranean Monk Seal.

My hope is that this tribute, to the staggering and growing list of endangered ocean species, will raise awareness of the public to help save even one from extinction." --Jan